Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More Milestones....

There has been a lot going on over the past month and I would imagine the next few months will be pretty hectic too so I will resort to bullet points as updates!
16th August - Andy and I booked a babysitter for the afternoon and we headed into the CBD for a slap up 4 course Sunday lunch at the amazing middle eastern restaurant Maha followed by drinks on the banks of the Yarra - worth waiting 5 years for!

23rd Aug - I completed my first half marathon to raise money for the Leukeamia Foundation. It was a stunning morning and I amazed myself by achieving a time of 2 hours bang on.

27th Aug - Celia had her first school concert and was very cute dressed in her army uniform and dancing to the Andrews Sister Bugle boys.

29th Aug - Celia invited 13 of her friends to Bron's Art studio for an Arty 7th Birthday Party which was lots of fun (apart from the last minute dash to the party shop as I'd forgotten the candles)

10th Sept - Celia had her first set of re-immunisation jabs which was not pleasant. The chemo wiped out all previous vaccinations so she has to get everything again. She had 4 injections and has another lot to get next month  - it never gets any easier.

So that doesn't sound to manic but when you add into the mix the fact that we have set a date of 28th Oct to leave Australia you can imagine the length of our to do list. We plan to travel round south East Asia for 6 weeks and arrive back in Northern Ireland by 7th December - exciting times!

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