Sunday, September 22, 2013

A close one

 As the title suggests we very nearly had a hospital admission on Friday but luck was on our side and we got to go home. I say luck as I think we were only released because it was a Friday and they like to clear the wards out at the weekend. Standard protocol states that a temperature of 38 or above means admission and 24 hours monitoring and Celia's was 38.1 when she woke up. It did drop steadily during the 4 hours we spent in the cancer centre and I was confident she didn't have a fever so I was very relieved plus it would have scuppered our attempts to break the record of having no hospital admissions during the whole 2 to 3 years of treatment (apart from the 9 days at the start of course) and touch wood, we are still on track. We haven't actually met anyone else in the cancer centre who has got this far without any additional overnight hospital stays so she really is doing amazingly well.

I was also pleased to find out that she didn't need another transfusion as we'd been warned to expect several over this 2 week period and she was very pale and teary on Thursday especially doing her blood tests, but considering they were done 3 times due to the first 2 not working, that is hardly surprising - her little hand looks like a Dora finger puppet show again!
 She is still extremely neutropenic of course (low white cells) but  platelets and red blood cells are doing what they should.
Mabel also had a high temperature this week (38.7 on Thursday) and was sick a few times but whatever she had seems to have passed and not been picked up by anyone else.

Celia recovered well and insisted we take our monthly shopping trip down to Sandringham farmers market on Saturday so we spent a lovely morning bumping into friends, playing and eating massive scones with cream and jam in the glorious spring sunshine.
We took it easy today and I only left the house to go for a run and I can honestly say I have never enjoyed running as much - perhaps the views may explain why running is such a pleasure these days! ........

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy and Lydia, it's Anita here. I met you at the farmers market last weekend. My hubby was talking cruisers with you. :) It was a delight to meet you and your beautiful family. I have just sent you an email re our discussions last week. x
