Friday, January 17, 2014

Why does God make it so hot?

This is one of the many questions that get thrown at me from the back of the car and as per usual I didn't have an adequate response - It was a perfectly reasonable question given that we were entering our fourth day of 42 plus degrees and I would dearly love to know the answer myself!
We have been more or less house bound this week as the indoor play centres and shopping centre's air con systems can't cope with the heat. We managed to cool off a bit before 9am by throwing ourselves down the slip n' slide in the garden but after that it hits the high 30s.
 The kids have been 'naked bummies' all week (a turn of phrase coined by cousin Sam aged 3!) and I've not been looking that presentable myself - I am soo not cut out for hot weather.

On Sunday after a couple of days of pure hell with Max, I decided to make a conscious effort to keep my cool (pardon the pun) with Max and for a few days I was seeing positive results but being holed up in a boiling house for 4 days has not exactly been conducive to good behaviour and by yesterday the screaming matches were worse than ever.

I really shouldn't complain as I know plenty of people who don't have air conditioning and I also have quite a few friends who've experienced power blackouts as the energy companies struggle to cope with the power surge but the cool change cannot come quick enough for me.
As for the poor people upstate, I cannot imagine what they are going through right now as bushfires sweep through their towns - as Celia rightly says, why does God make it so hot?....

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