Celia has been finding her second week back on the steroids very tough. We've seen a gradual decline in her energy and mood over the last six days. We've had a couple of days of not moving from the sofa, wanting to be carried everywhere, resorting to crawling in order to get up the stairs and complaining of feeling "yucky." On Sunday night she didn't sleep very well because of pains in her legs but thankfully the pain has gone away, even if the weakness hasn't.
To add to the fun, Mabel continues to suffer teething pain and wakes up in the middle of the night a bit too often for comfort, whilst still not actually producing any teeth. They are getting close but still, at 10 months old, she remains toothless.
The pressure of the whole situation continues to effect all of us in our everyday lives and for the first time in a long time the serious topic of making plans to go home was back on the table. On Friday night after a tough week Lydia and I were both ready to leave as soon as we can. Obviously we need to see when it makes sense from Celia's health perspective but we both agree that we need to begin the process of planning our Australian departure - albeit the execution of the plan may take a couple of years yet. It will be interesting to talk to cousin Louise Sweeney when she arrives back in Australia tomorrow after a few years in Northern Ireland. We'll see if that confirms or confuses the plans.
On the positive front tomorrow sees the end of the steroids, we're going to see Pink on Thursday night and Lydia has a high tea date with 30 other girls on Sunday (?!)
The pressure of the whole situation continues to effect all of us in our everyday lives and for the first time in a long time the serious topic of making plans to go home was back on the table. On Friday night after a tough week Lydia and I were both ready to leave as soon as we can. Obviously we need to see when it makes sense from Celia's health perspective but we both agree that we need to begin the process of planning our Australian departure - albeit the execution of the plan may take a couple of years yet. It will be interesting to talk to cousin Louise Sweeney when she arrives back in Australia tomorrow after a few years in Northern Ireland. We'll see if that confirms or confuses the plans.
On the positive front tomorrow sees the end of the steroids, we're going to see Pink on Thursday night and Lydia has a high tea date with 30 other girls on Sunday (?!)
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