Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another week of firsts

1.I got my first ever Thanksgiving card and my first hand written letter in about 10 years! Email, Facebook and blogs are great but you cannot beat an old fashioned letter so thank you very much Suzann.
2. Max had his first taste of solid food on Monday and the old baby rice is going down a treat as I suspected it would - if ever there was a boy who looked like he enjoyed his food it's Max!
3. Celia got her first birthday party invite. It's at the same house we went to on Melbourne Cup day for the barbeque but I am still counting it as a 'first'!
4. We both got our first speeding tickets this week - mine arrived 2 days after Andy's so I had to wipe the conceited snear off my face pronto! They are really strict on speed limits over here (I got $150 fine plus points for doing 75 KPH in a 70 KPH zone)
5. Celia didn't throw a tantrum when I left her at nursery today for the first time which is a relief, although I was a bit concerned last week when I collected her and the first thing she said was "Mummy, I had fun today - I slept with all the boys!". The nursery staff have assured me the 'group sleep' at lunchtime is perfectly innocent!

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