Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Public Holidays Melbourne Style - a day of firsts

So I think it is fair to say today was the day we really got our first serious dose of what the Ozzie lifestyle is all about. Today was Melbourne Cup Day, the day the state of Victoria has a day off to watch a horse race and the rest of Australia has an unofficial afternoon off to watch it as well - why should Victorians have all the fun! The Melbourne Cup horse race really is the race that stops a nation.

So, today's firsts:

  1. Well, having a Tuesday off work for a horse race is definitely a first but there were also others...
  2. Today I had my first game of golf in Melbourne - half of which was in drizzly rain reminiscent of many a November day back home. Still, Kingston links was a lovely course (despite the flooding!) and I did beat my boss on the 18th. Nice.
  3. Lydia baked muffins. I like this new Lydia. Although with me baking brownies at the weekend we are fast turning into a family of sumos...I blame Max. Still, the rain will stop soon and the new mountain bike will emerge from the garage to put an end to all this weight gain!
  4. We went to our first barbeque. Lydia's efforts at finding friends through visiting multiple playgroups is finally paying dividends. We had a lovely afternoon in the company of Sharon, Andrew and friends in Bentleigh. Celia got to see some of her friends and spend the afternoon throwing herself around in a bouncy castle. I was given a lesson in the art of the BBQ by an expereinced local and Lydia had more cakes, washed down with Pimms. Oh yes, and some French bloke won the race and I got 2nd in the sweepstake. BBQ afternoons in other peopes' gardens are definitely the way to go.
  5. Max had his first full-on giggling fit, thanks to Lydia's rendition of The Grand Old Duke of York. I think he was laughing at her terrible singing.
  6. Finally, in another sign of the onset of middle age, another first - I did some gardening! Nothing too strenuous mind. I planted some herbs. Outside. In our very own garden. Nice. This is feeling more like Neighbours all the time.
So that was our first Australian bank holiday. Hopefully a sign of things to come...once the rain stops!

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