Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Celia's first visit to kinder

As you can see, Celia popped into kinder for a very short visit yesterday and it was lovely to see how much everyone had missed her. They had a little question & answer session and naturally enough the first question was "Why are you wearing that on your head?" and Kirsty the teacher explained that the medicine Celia was on made her hair fall out and then we all moved on to what we all did on Mother's day. I have realised that kids are actually far more accepting of physical changes than adults and Celia is totally unfazed, in fact I caught her with her dress up round her neck yesterday showing off her port to Henry!
She got tired after about 30 minutes but is very keen to visit again soon and I was totally overwhelmed by the ginormous box of presents they'd bought her. She is one spoilt little girl these days!

Her mood continues to improve and she is Mabel's doting big sister again. We managed a trip to the park and she walked from the duck pond to the playground where she gave Mabel her first swing.

We have had hospital trips today and Monday this week so far. We called the doctors about her disconnected speech and they think it may be a rare side effect of the spinal chemo drug so we are waiting for an MRI appointment and until the brain scan can confirm everything is OK, they have changed to a different drug which is not clinically proven to be as effective so fingers crossed we can revert back next week.
We had a lumbar puncture today and it is hard to believe how quickly she's become accustomed to all the procedures. She actually smiled today when I told her she needed to have a general anaesthetic and said "oh please can I have the strawberry smelling gas!" and she doesn't bat an eyelid at a finger prick any more. She is one brave cookie.

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