Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bye Bye Grandparents and a big day today

Up early today for several reasons. Celia has taken on a new side effect - insomnia. When you combine this with her total lack of strength in her arms and legs she can get very demanding about giving her medicine or carrying her to the toilet in the middle of the night. Yesterday morning she actually fell forward off the loo and smashed her face on the tile floor - so carrying and holding is now required for the time being. She has stopped the steroids now so we hope to see her strength returning in the next couple of weeks.
Reason two for being up early - Mabel continues to tease us by doing one night sleep through followed by next night wake up several times. Tonight was the latter.
Reason three - we have a very big day ahead at the hospital where we should hopefully find out how successful the first month of chemo has been and what is in store for the next few months. A full family outing to Monash.
Reason four - Real Madrid v Dortmond is on the TV - well, sure I was up feeding Mabel anyway.

At this moment my parents will be struggling to sleep, not understanding the entertainment system and people watching all those 'foreign' types on an A380 over the Indian Ocean. The goodbyes were not half as tearful as expected but the full time help and support will be missed a lot. We are on our own now...with the help of our many great friends in Australia and the thoughts of hundreds of others (as witnessed by the constant stream of emails and FB messages) . Thanks everyone.

Afternoon update:
Back from hospital and the news is, on the whole, good. All Celia's various blood counts are moving in the right direction, her bone marrow remains clear of cancer, her cold is just a common cold virus. The only concern is that her sodium levels remain low so she will now take more salt tablets and possibly need a saline drip on Friday.

On the walking front, the physio (from Glasgow) managed to get Celia to take a few steps in the hospital on crutches, albeit under duress and with a fair bit of moaning. We have brought the crutches home for some daily practice at walking. Hopefully she can get back on her feet soon.

We get a rest from steroids and chemo until at least Tuesday now - to give her time before the chemo starts again. The full results from our 29 day 'induction' will not be through until next week so we don't yet know how full-on the next phase will be. For now we will just 'enjoy' a few steroid free days and then see what happens next.

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