Sunday, May 5, 2013

To shave or not to shave.....

Celia's hair has been falling out for weeks now but over the past 3 days this has really accelerated and she is now bald on top - combine this with a puffy steroid face and sickly green complexion, and it really isn't the best of looks.  We have obviously witnessed this happening over a period of time so are used to the new Celia but I do worry how her little friends will react when they see her for the first time in weeks as she is almost unrecognisable.
We are now at the stage where we need to think about shaving it all off but Celia doesn't want to yet and if she wears a headscarf or hat you can't tell she is balding so we will hold off for now.
I have been dreading the hair loss bit. On the day of diagnosis, I remember taking Celia to the supermarket while waiting for the blood results to come back and I couldn't stop stroking her hair. As Andy mentioned I knew in my heart even before the results came back that she had Leukaemia and I was so keen for her last trip out as an innocent, carefree 4 year old to be a special one, I told her she could have anything she wanted in the shop. She went straight to the beauty aisle and selected Hello Kitty clips and bobbles and as I held back the tears I steered her towards the toy and sweetie aisles instead. Having said that, the hair loss hasn't been half as traumatic as I anticipated. It is more of an annoyance to be honest as there's hair stuck to everything and every mouthful of food she takes has hair in it! Celia has dealt with it really well and I suppose seeing all the other children in the cancer ward with no hair has helped normalise it. 
Although she looks miserable in the above photo she actually had a much better day yesterday and her and Max sat at the table and worked on a sticker book together for about 20 minutes which is the first time she has done anything other than stare at the TV for weeks.
Back to Sandringham for blood tests tomorrow so fingers crossed they don't stuff it up again.

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