Today was Mothers' Day in Australia and Celia happily helped make a card for mum and loved the experience of serving breakfast in bed. It's been a beautiful sunny weekend so we had plenty of time outdoors enjoying the garden, the park and (probably) the last barbie of the season. Our Scottish mate Tommy came round with his dog and I had a good long Skype chat with my old mate Alex. We're looking forward to three more visitors this year now - Lydia's sister Julie arriving soon, Alex and Lesley in October and my sister Ruth and family at Christmas. Celia is really excited about that one - it gives us something positive to look forward to.
The cards and presents keep arriving thick and fast - thank you everyone. And we have now managed to sort out a new donation page for all those people who keep offering to send money. We'll post the details in a day or two.
All the best from a positive, sunny, Melbourne - definitely a Happy Mothers' day.
You really are amazing you pair. we think of you often and as so many others feel helpless so look forward to being able to donate to funds.