Friday, May 3, 2013

The kindness of strangers (and friends and sisters....)

More blood tests at Monash today as Sandringham (the local hospital) messed up the tests yesterday. We thought she'd need a saline drip as her sodium levels were very low but it wasn't needed in the end. Her neutrophils however are now low and if they don't improve, next Tuesday's surgery (to fit her port) will have to be postponed as there's a risk of infection and without neutrophils Celia can't fight infections. Even Max is familiar with all the new medical lingo and he is now affectionately know as Doctor Max because he marches round shouting "the doctor says drink lots of water" or "the doctor says take your medicine"!
For those that don't know what a port is (why would you!?) it is a catheter that gets inserted under the skin and runs from the vein under the collarbone to the heart and that will stay in for two or three years depending on when we get the all clear. This is how Celia will get her chemo going forward plus any transfusions.
She is still very weak but a bit of strength has come back in her arms so hoping to see improvements in her legs next week. There have been a few more glimpses of happy Celia but there does seem to be a correlation between these episodes and the Oxycodene painkiller, especially yesterday morning when I gave her a dose not realising Andy had already given it to her 10 minutes earlier. I think Celia has cottoned on to fact that it makes her high as a kite as she didn't admit to already having had a dose from Andy!  
As the title suggests we have been overwhelmed by people's empathy and generosity. Not only have our friends been fantastic but friends of friends have also been incredibly supportive. My playgroup mums (and some dads) are fundraising left, right and centre, sending us meals and buying Celia presents. Last night our landlord's brother-in-law arrived on our doorstep - they'd heard about Celia so his wife made about 2 week's supply of baby food for Mabel and we have never even met them - such an incredibly thoughtful thing to do.
We also had the good news that my sister Julie has booked her flight to come out and help next month which is a huge relief so on the whole we have had a positive couple of days.

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