Friday, April 19, 2013

Me and Celia get the chop

Once again we've had hospital visits 4 days out of 5 and Celia is really struggling. She is totally withdrawn - she spent 6 hours on Tuesday just staring into space and blanking all the nurses that spoke to her) but I am hoping she will revive slightly with the promise of 2 hospital free days ahead. We also got the go ahead to have blood tests done at our local hospital which is 5 minutes drive away so that should cut down on one day a week's traveling time. Most of the time in hospital was spent waiting on blood test results (which were all positive so no drips or transfusions needed!)
As you can see from the pictures below Celia got her bum length mane chopped off yesterday. I was so worried that she would freak out about it but she just sat there and said nothing. I have tried to explain about the hair loss but she just turns away and says she has no questions, although she has started to twirl her hair round her finger every waking second which she never did before. I was a bity teary but I got a grip of myself and thought if Celia can hold up so can I.
 I also felt better knowing her hair was going to a good cause as Candy's Hairdressers has a hair donating service so some other child with cancer will get a wig made from Celia's hair!
As you can see I also went for the chop as a gesture of solidarity but I think it was actually the best haircut I have ever had so should have done it years ago!
I think it will be some weeks before the hair loss gets noticeable as she has such thick hair like her mum and granny but it is starting to come out when I brush it which is a small inconvenience in the grander scheme of things of course.
 Oh, I nearly forgot - it was also my birthday yesterday and as well as lovely presents I got to go out in the city for dinner with Andy. I am sooo going to miss having the inlaws to stay!

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