Friday, April 12, 2013

DVD overload

As Andy is easing back into his work I thought I should take over blogging duties.
As expected it has been a tough week - thankfully not as distressing as last week with round the clock blood tests but spending 4 out of 5 days in the outpatients unit is no fun for a 4 year old (or a 40 year old who has no internet connection for that matter!). Celia spent most of that time hooked up to a drip so we were pretty immobile which meant TV & DVD overload of course - so much for the '2 hours of telly a day' rule!
Unfortunately the more I talk to other parents the more I realise how naïve I was being last week thinking "We can cope with a once a week visit for chemo" because getting the chemo is the quickest and easiest part of the whole process. Stabilising her various counts is where the problem lies, be it platelets, red blood cells, neutrophils, electrolytes etc and we have had transfusions of all of them this week. Then we encounter the infections that she is likely to pick up due to her non existent immune system so basically we can't plan anything more than half a day in advance and I have stopped making her any promises as they have been broken so many times over this past 12 days.
Anyway, moan over as it is almost the weekend and indications are that it should be a blood tests free 2 days! Oh and Mabel started rolling this week - it's bad enough being the 3rd child without being 3rd child with a sick sister - thankfully she will be too young to remember the neglect!

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