Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tired little bossy boots

So the side effects of the treatment are definitely kicking in now. Celia's energy levels have dropped markedly in the last few days. The majority of time seems to be spent snoozing on the sofa or in her bed and she tends to conk out completely around 6pm. I think she has even grown bored of Dora the Explorer DVDs.
She does however find the energy at times to exhibit some comical behaviour - The last couple of mornings she has made very clear and specific demands for runny boiled eggs for breakfast (at 6.30am) and then she sits at the table impatiently waiting for her demands to be fulfilled. Today she also decided (about 7.30 am!) that we were having fish and chips for dinner and retreated to the sofa to look forward to this highlight of her day to come. Later in the day Celia decided we must all go to the beach - she wanted a paddle. It didn't matter that it was dull and threatening rain, Celia wanted to go. Of course, ten minutes after we got there she was too tired to do anything,  it started to rain and Max got stung by a wasp so it wasn't our most enjoyable ever trip to Half Moon Bay. But we did get our fish and chips!

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