Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More pressies!

On Sunday we had a lovely boat trip up the Yarra to Williamstown and back - Celia sat in the buggy and stared at the floor the whole time but she insisted that we go and the hospital said not to wrap her up in cotton wool, so we went. Max absolutely loved it and had everyone on the boat in stitches screaming "GET DOWN!" as we went under each bridge (there were about 8 - each way!) He also got to 'drive' at one point so was very chuffed with himself.

Monday morning saw us back to the usual routine of blood tests but we went to Sandringham hospital for the first time which is only 5 minutes away. It is such a small setup compared to Monash and basically the pathology department is one woman who mans the phones and does the bloods. She did apologise for not being very experienced at finger pricks but I didn't realise quite how inexperienced she was until the room looked like a massacre had taken place. There was blood running down Celia's arm, it was all over the chair, the floor, her and me. She hadn't put anything down to catch the blood and she looked like she was about to cry she was so flustered. Not surprisingly, we got a call later from the cancer unit saying the bloods had clotted so no analysis could be performed therefore the process would have to be repeated at Monash.
 Celia was a bit traumatised by the previous day's fiasco and was screaming that she didn't want any more finger pricks - little did she know that the finger prick was the least of her worries as Tuesday is chemo day and that means getting a cannula in. Her veins are not holding up well and they had to try 4 times today - by the fourth attempt I was a blubbering mess and couldn't look at her.
 As the only thing that she wants to do is eat these days, I rewarded her bravery with a sausage roll from the café. This has become a bit of a ritual and each day the request for a sausage roll gets earlier - as you can see the steroids really are boosting her appetite....
 Once again all blood tests were positive and no transfusions were required so we got to leave at 2pm - the earliest to date.
Then when we got home another huge package awaited us, this time from my friend Kelley. She really had gone over the top with the amount of stuff she had bought Celia but the smile it brought to her face was priceless. Celia now has a pile of Thank You cards to draw once she gets her mojo back as she got some lovely packages from her friends Layla, Bettie and Ella last week, not forgetting the pictures and presents from Daisy, Emilia and Sarah the week she was in hospital.

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