Monday, April 29, 2013

A tough weekend

I think this was probably the hardest weekend we've had so far. The blood results from Friday were not good and her platelets were very low. Looking on the bright side however, at least the blood test worked this time plus they weren't so low that a transfusion was needed immediately so it was booked for Monday morning.
Celia cannot walk at all now although sometimes she forgets and ends up falling off her chair onto the wooden floor so lots of tears over the past two days. Celia will not let anyone else help her and now Max wants in on the act and insists that mummy has to help him with everything. Add to this the fact that Mabel has been constantly nursed for 6 weeks so now cries whenever she is set down,  I am of course dreading Andy's parents leaving tomorrow.
The good news is that her platelet count recovered and she didn't need a transfusion this morning so next trip to hospital is Wednesday for the bone marrow operation and lumbar puncture.

The week Celia was diagnosed was supposed to be the week I toilet trained Max and introduced Mabel to solids so naturally neither happened.  Mabel turned 6 months a few weeks ago so I could not put it off any longer and needless to say she is wolfing the food down from day one. As you can see she is the image of Max with an appetite to match:
 I am afraid there have been no big Annabel Karmel 'cook off' sessions and Mabel will be packet fed for the foreseeable future. All that pureeing and freezing ice cube trays is overrated anyway!

Celia insisted on another trip to the park yesterday but again, she just lay there looking ill and miserable and one mother actually came up to me and asked me what was wrong with her, to which I replied "she has leukaemia". She looked horrified and then started to tear up and promptly scuttled off. I suppose I'd better get used to it.....

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